Öz Berat Et Mamülleri
Damak tadında Helal Kesim


Energy Monitoring


Active Buying Customers

In der Entwicklung unserer Produkte legen wir nicht nur größten Wert auf Qualität, sondern setzen auch stark auf Vielfalt. "Öz Berat" Lebensmittel sind nach Helal-Standards zertifiziert und werden in traditionellerweise hergestellt.
Diese Marke steht für Qualität und Authentizität und hat sich schnell einen festen Platz in den Herzen der Kunden erobert. Wir arbeiten stetig daran, das Sortiment um weitere türkische Produkte zu erweitern.

Get paid for the clean energy your solar cells produce

Felis ut justo nunc egestas elit pellentesque vestibulum. Mus urna, vel vestibulum habitasse viverra justo, viverra.

Help create a sustainable energy future for the planet

Non sit pellentesque ornare massa massa sed quis. Varius imperdiet lacus egestas.

Discover solar projects that inspire you and buy solar cells

Libero faucibus eu ac adipiscing suspendisse bibendum. Magna eleifend ultricies nunc consequat, leo. Integer sem accumsan a, elit ac lectus amet aliquam nulla. Libero netus nulla consectetur orci ut congue condimentum egestas ultrices.

Get paid for the clean energy your solar cells produce

Felis ut justo nunc egestas elit pellentesque vestibulum. Mus urna, vel vestibulum habitasse viverra justo, viverra.

Help create a sustainable energy future for the planet

Non sit pellentesque ornare massa massa sed quis. Varius imperdiet lacus egestas.

Discover solar projects that inspire you and buy

Libero faucibus eu ac adipiscing suspendisse bibendum. Magna eleifend ultricies nunc consequat, leo. Integer sem accumsan a, elit ac lectus amet aliquam nulla. Libero netus nulla consectetur orci ut congue condimentum egestas ultrices.

Get paid for the clean energy your solar cells produce

Felis ut justo nunc egestas elit pellentesque vestibulum. Mus urna, vel vestibulum habitasse viverra justo, viverra.

Help create a sustainable energy future for the planet

Non sit pellentesque ornare massa massa sed quis. Varius imperdiet lacus egestas.

Discover solar projects that inspire you and buy solar cells

Libero faucibus eu ac adipiscing suspendisse bibendum. Magna eleifend ultricies nunc consequat, leo. Integer sem accumsan a, elit ac lectus amet aliquam nulla. Libero netus nulla consectetur orci ut congue condimentum egestas ultrices.

Unsere Produkte


Unser Produkte Salam


Unser Produkte Wurst


Industrial Solutions

Built for Efficiency

Maximum Solar Production

Felis ut justo nunc egestas elit pellentesque vestibulum. Mus urna, vel vestibulum habitasse viverra justo, viverra.
Our partners & investors

Get paid for the clean energy your solar cells produce

Felis ut justo nunc egestas elit pellentesque vestibulum. Mus urna, vel vestibulum habitasse viverra justo, viverra.

Help create a sustainable energy future for the planet

Non sit pellentesque ornare massa massa sed quis. Varius imperdiet lacus egestas.

Discover solar projects that inspire you and buy

Libero faucibus eu ac adipiscing suspendisse bibendum. Magna eleifend ultricies nunc consequat, leo. Integer sem accumsan a, elit ac lectus amet aliquam nulla. Libero netus nulla consectetur orci ut congue condimentum egestas ultrices.

Sleek design, durable build

In odio ac libero eros, amet condimentum nam lorem odio. Convallis ut egestas vivamus et ac gravida in eget. Felis magnis vel lectus.

635-665 W

Power Inverter

3.8kW / 7.6kW


IEC / UL 61730


2384 x 1303 x 35 mm


Black Anodized Alumunium Alloy Frame


25 year performance guarantee

Power Inverter

3.8kW / 7.6kW


635-665 W


IEC / UL 61730


25 year performance guarantee


2384 x 1303 x 35 mm


Black Anodized Alumunium Alloy Frame


IEC / UL 61730


635-665 W

Power Inverter

3.8kW / 7.6kW


2384 x 1303 x 35 mm


25 year performance guarantee


Black Anodized Alumunium Alloy Frame


IEC / UL 61730

Power Inverter

3.8kW / 7.6kW


635-665 W


Black Anodized Alumunium Alloy Frame


2384 x 1303 x 35 mm


25 year performance guarantee

Modules shown may be different than those included in final design.

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© 2024 ÖzBerat | tordovat medienhaus